All posts by asoley

Disciple of Jesus, wife, student, worker, reader, fisher[wo]man, fisher of man, 29 years of age, animal lover, writer...

What Do I Do If My Child Discloses Sexual Abuse?

Sexual-AbuseIf you suspect your child or a child relative has experienced sexual abuse, the right thing to do is to ask the child. Most people ignore the signs and doing that is NEVER the right thing. Risk your personal embarrassment for the sake of the child. The alternative of ignoring your feeling will be a million times worse for the child in the long run.

Are you wondering what to do during the child abuse discussion? What do you say if the child discloses the sexual child abuse? How do you care for the child after the disclosure of sexual abuse?

  1. Find a safe place to talk.
  2. Avoid expressing panic / shock.
  3. Do not pressure the child to tell you more.
  4. Ask limited questions.
  5. Listen closely.
  6. Reassure child it is good to tell.
  7. Tell child it’s not his / her fault.
  8. Tell child he / she is not in trouble.
  9. Tell child you will protect him / her.
  10. If you become upset, tell child you are upset with abuser, not him / her.

And remember, child abuse should be reported to local law enforcement. Always. Period. It is rare for a child to lie about sexual abuse.

If you are struggling with the decision to contact law enforcement, please message me or leave a comment below are call the 800 number at the top of this page.

What To Do If Sexual Abuse Occurs | CHILD LURES PREVENTION

Top Bloggers on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

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What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? Everyone has been scared at one time or another. Our fight or flight response when we are scared is actually a healthy reaction since it helps us make decisions in order to stay safe. When someone has PTSD, this reaction has been damaged and actually becomes an unhealthy issue. A person who has PTSD continues to feel frightened or even as if he or she is about to die when the danger is no longer present.

PTSD can “result from a variety of traumatic incidents, such as mugging, rape, torture, being kidnapped or held captive, child abuse, car accidents, train wrecks, plane crashes, bombings, or natural disasters such as floods or earthquakes.”

It is important to support those with PTSD who have been through child sexual abuse and educate yourself on the disorder. Most people who have experienced sexual abuse as children were traumatized by their own brothers, sisters, even fathers and mothers. Remember to put yourself in their shoes – imagine if your father / mother tortured you as a child, perhaps for years.

It can take years to recover and some battle their recurring and terrifying memories for life. There are actually many things we can learn from those who have PTSD. See the Top 50 Bloggers on PTSD.


Child Sexual Abuse And Accommodation Syndrome (CSAAS)

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“Child sexual abuse accommodation syndrome (CSAAS) is a non-diagnostic syndrome developed by Roland C. Summit in 1983 to describe how he believed sexually abused children responded to ongoing abuse.”

STAGE 1: Secrecy

The secret of the abuse is what makes the child scared and also makes the child hope that “it” will get better. The adult’s threats, child’s natural helplessness, and lack of sexual abuse understanding quickly drown the child’s desire to expose the abuse.


Parents and caretakers MUST be proactive and nurture a loving relationship with children. Loving adults must verbally have the conversation that NO ONE should be touching the child’s private parts. The child should be told that no one should be threatening the child. It is not right for adults to have secrets with children. A child should be reassured that adults can take care of themselves and that it is not the child’s burden to bear, no matter what. This conversation should be had with the child as early as age 4.

A child should NEVER be scolded or blamed for revealing abuse. As parents, we are responsible for teaching children what is right and wrong, what to put up with and what not to, and if they have been sexually abused, it is never their fault. If you have ever blamed your child for sexual abuse, or gotten angry with them, you need to apologize immediately. Even if it was 20 years ago. It is our duty to display how much we love them and help them understand that they can tell us anything. And if your child never tells you of the abuse for 10 years, or longer, it is still not their error. Shame has the power to silence a survivor for decades.

STAGE 2: Helplessness

STAGE 3: Entrapment & Accommodation

STAGE 4: Delayed Disclosure

STAGE 5: Retraction

Read more

Need more help? Call 18004achild for safe, anonymous support.

Sexually Abused By Her Mother

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Sexual child abuse is done by all types of people, including mothers. Childhood sexual abuse is a largely ignored pandemic all over the world. Sexual abuse signs are obvious yet made invisible by society. This is truly unfortunate sing sexual abuse effects usually last for years, decades, and often times lifetimes. This in depth account goes into detail about one story…

My mother started sexually abusing me when… read more.

Warning Signs for Sexual Abuse by a Female

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The following are signs of possible abuse by a woman to a child:

  • Ability to “see” mother’s naked body in your own head/knowing things about her body that a child should not
  • Alter parts (or imaginary friends) who are/were male
  • Anorexia (trying to make the body look more boyish than womanly)
  • Aversion to oral sex
  • Aversion to sexual positions involving your breasts
  • Difficulty working with or trusting a female doctor or therapist
  • Difficulty bathing your own children
  • Extreme discomfort discussing periods, bras, and other coming of age issues with your mother
  • Feeling masculine even though you are attracted to men
  • Feeling more comfortable as a “he”
  • Feelings of disdain and scorn toward mother even with no memories of abuse
  • Gender confusion in childhood and/or adulthood
  • Hating your reflection (seeing your physical similarities toward your mother/abuser)
  • Hatred/anger toward breasts
  • Imagining or pretending that you are male on a regular basis
  • Inability to be responsible for yourself (abusive mother encouraged deep dependence)
  • Insomnia when mother is in the same house
  • Memories of inappropriate nudity
  • Nightmares about mother hurting you (not necessarily sexually)
  • Strong reaction to haircuts that make the child resemble her mother

Is Your Child Being Groomed by an Online Predator? Tips

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“Grooming is a process used to prepare a child for sexual abuse. The offender aims to gain the trust of the child and those around him or her who act as inhibitors, preventing the offender for getting access to the child.”


  • Treat others online how you want to be treated
  • Keep your personal info private
  • Use a strong password
  • Choose friends wisely
  • Check privacy settings
  • Trust your instincts, don’t do anything you don’t want to, and nothing someone is trying to force you to
  • Set boundaries, ensure your filters are age appropriate

Foster good communication with your kids. Stop and think to yourself if you feel your child would tell you anything, or just about anything. Be honest with yourself. If you think they will lie, then have a conversation with them about how YOU can be a better parent.

Kids who feel their parents love them don’t need to look for outside sources for love, by other adults. Remember it is your responsibility to ask your kids how their day was and who their friends are.

Your child’s interactions with adults should be very limited until they become adults themselves. Your goal should be never to leave your child alone with an adult. This may sound absurd, but the fact is that childhood sexual abuse is ignored or not believed by adults. You need to work even harder to be sure your kids feel comfortable enough to talk to you if it happens to them.


Perpetrators of Sexual Abuse

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The #1 sexual abuser is a parent. That’s right. Studies show this is fact.


  • Parent 79%
  • Other relative 7%
  • Other 5%
  • Unknown / missing 4%
  • Unmarried partner of parent 4%
  • Child daycare provider 1%
  • Foster parent <1%
  • Friends / neighbors <1%
  • Residential facility staff <1%
  • Legal guardian <1%
  • Other professional <1%

Childhood sexual abuse is a scary thought, but it is more real than most would like to admit. It is an even scarier thought that a parent is most likely to be the offender.

Always know about your spouse’s upbringing before marrying him or her and especially before having kids. Child sexual abuse is a pattern passed down from parent to child, or family member to family member.

If your spouse was abused growing up, he or she needs to be open about it either to you or a therapist. On the same token, you as a spouse should be loving and supportive since the trauma was not his or her fault. He or she needs to be aware of the effects of the trauma so that patterns are not repeated. People sexually abused as children are at higher risk of abusing their children.

You need to keep your children safe and you also want to be supportive of your spouse as well while he or she heals.

All Parents Must Have This Conversation

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What to say to your child

Read this attachment for help on how to talk to your child about not tolerating sexual abuse, for ages 4 through 18. All children need to understand what is acceptable and not acceptable behavior. Otherwise, many children grow up thinking sexual abuse is normal and realize the truth when they get older.

Things to Consider When Covering Up Sexual Abuse

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If you don’t report sexual abuse, ask yourself this:

  • How many children will this person abuse in the future?
  • How will my siblings be affected? Is this person able to abuse them?
  • How will my other children be affected?
  • How many children did this person abuse before?
  • What if my family has young children and this person is around them?
  • Do I really think this person’s abusive patterns will just go away? How?
  • Am I running away from the problem? If so, how will I cope in the future?
  • Is keeping quiet the easier way out for me? Am I being selfish? (Note: if you are the one being abused, it is NEVER selfish to report it to authorities)
  • Is the abusive person possibly sick and need help?
  • Is the abusive person trying to manipulate or make me feel bad?
  • Have I contacted a hotline for CONFIDENTIAL advice? (1-800-422-4453)
  • How will the abused person cope in the future when they realized what happened in hindsight? What will he / she feel about me for not sticking up for him / her?
  • Am I a Christian? Have I looked in the bible about what it says about lying and not protecting the innocent?
  • If I don’t say something, who will?

Drugs and Disorders from Sexual Abuse


10 Yr Research on Child Sexual Abuse

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  • Childhood Sexual Abuse (CSA) is a complex life experience
  • Before 70s, CSA was regarded as rare
  • 67% increase in CSA from 1986 to 1993, although official reports declined
  • CSA occurs regardless of socioeconomic or ethnic status
  • Girls are almost 3xs more likely to be abused than boys
  • Research confirms mental health professionals rarely ask males about CSA
  • Kids with physical disabilities (esp. blindness, deafness, & mental retardation) are at higher risk of CSA
  • Race & ethnicity are not risk factors for CSA
  • Absence of one / both parents significantly increases chances of CSA
  • Presence of stepfather in the home doubles risk of CSA for daughters
  • Other associated increased risk factors: mother with illness / alcoholism, extended absences, serious marital conflicts, parental substance abuse, social isolation, punitive parenting, & presence of abused siblings
  • A 3rd of abused children have shown to become abusive parents
  • Potential effects of CSA: PTSD, major depression, borderline personality disorder, substance abuse, dis-associative identity disorder, bulimia nervosa, increased appetite, weight gain, hypersomnia…


Scholarly Link: What Sexual Offenders Tell Us

Hajj-Survey-960x198ABSTRACT: Ninety-one child sex offenders were interviewed about the methods they used to target children, the age range of their victims, how they selected children and maintained them as victims, and what suggestions they had for preventing child sexual abuse. Offenders were selected from treatment programs, probation, special hospitals, and prisons. They were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire. Results indicate that offenders gained access to children through caretaking, such as babysitting; targeted children by using bribes, gifts and games; used force, anger, threats, and bribes to ensure their continuing compliance; and systematically desensitized children through touch, talk about sex, and persuasion. Nearly half the offenders had no bad feelings about sexually abusing children. The implications for prevention programs are discussed.

Purchase at

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Inside Military Male Sexual Assault


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Inside Military Sexual Assault

Click link below for more videos and personal accounts.

  • 14,000 men experienced unwanted sexual contact in 2012
  • 12,000 women experienced unwanted sexual contact in 2012
  • 27% said the offender was in their chain of command
  • 22% said the offender used physical force
  • 21% said the offender threatened to ruin their reputation if they did not consent
  • 73% of incidents occurred at a military installation
  • 49% occurred during duty hours


Emotional Flashbacks

Overcoming CPTSD

I don’t know if it is luck or ignorance, or a bit of both, but up until this last week i have paid very little attention to emotional flashbacks, the visual ones i get, i get how a trigger can stimulate a memory so it jumps into your head, be it in snapshot form or video style, that in my head is understandable.  i have experienced quite a few emotional flashbacks this week, it has taken me lots of thinking to figure out what has been happening to me, why i have been so insanely overwhelmed with despair or fear.  Having realized what these are, i can now see that i have been behaving like this since i was young, for no reason what so ever just filling up with overwhelming grief and despair.  Its comforting in a way to know why i break down for no apparent reason, but…

View original post 377 more words

Who Are the Sexual Predators?

  • Sexting & pornography can be sexual abuse
  • 400,000+ registered sex offenders in the US
  • Most sex offenders are 25 – 64 years old & white
  • 25% of sex offenders are married
  • 90% are men
  • Most offenders abuse those within their race
  • 25% of sex offenders re-offend
  • Oregon has the highest % of offenders per 100,000

Lauren Book, Child Abuse Hero

  • There are more than 42 million survivors of sexual abuse in America.
  • 1 in 5 children are solicited sexually while on the Internet before the age of 18.
  • Nearly 70% of all reported sexual assaults (including assaults on adults) occur to children age 17 & under.
  • Approximately 20% of the victims of sexual abuse are under age eight.
  • 95% of sexual abuse is preventable through education.
  • 38% of the sexual abusers of boys are female.
  • There is worse lasting emotional damage when a child’s sexual abuse started before the age of six, & lasted for several years.
  • Among child & teen victims of sexual abuse there is a 42 percent increased chance of suicidal thoughts during adolescence.

Just Call For Help

  • Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453) is dedicated to the prevention of child abuse
  • Staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 
  • 170 languages
  • All calls are anonymous &confidential
  • Calls come from children at risk for abuse, distressed parents seeking crisis intervention & concerned individuals who suspect abuse may be occurring, those mandated by law to report suspected abuse
  • Are in physical or emotional crisis & need support & encouragement
  • Connect you to best possible resources in your area
  • Need to find out how to report known or suspected abuse
  • Have questions about the reporting process & what you might expect through the process
  • Want to learn about Childhelp programs that will address you or your child’s needs
  • Want to learn about resources available to parents, grandparents & caregivers
  • Need emotional support as survivor of abuse
  • Want a referral to an agency, counseling or other services near where you live
  • Want literature mailed to you
  • Want information on how to make a donation to Childhelp

Sexual Abuse = +Abusive Parents, +Mental Disorders, +STDs, +Criminals, +Drug Addicts

  • Child abuse occurs at every socioeconomic level, across ethnic and cultural lines, within all religions and at all levels of education.
  • About 30% of abused and neglected children will later abuse their own children, continuing the horrible cycle of abuse. 5
  • In at least one study, about 80% of 21 year olds that were abused as children met criteria for at least one psychological disorder. 13
  • The estimated annual cost of child abuse and neglect in the United States for 2008 is $124 billion. 6
  • Abused children are 25% more likely to experience teen pregnancy. 5
  • Abused teens are more likely to engage in sexual risk taking, putting them at greater risk for STDs. 5
  • 14% of all men in prison and 36% of women in prison in the USA were abused as children, about twice the frequency seen in the general population. 7
  • Children who experience child abuse & neglect are about 9 times more likely to become involved in criminal activity. 5
  • As many as two-thirds of the people in treatment for drug abuse reported being abused or neglected as children. 9

Sexual Abuse Survivor, Influences New Law, Erin Merryn

Courtesy Youtube

“I believe everyone is born with a purpose and I found my purpose through the pain that has taken place in my life. I decided at a young age to take a stand against evil and instead expose it to put a silent epidemic in the spotlight and be a voice for the voiceless.”


Signs of a Sexual Predator



  • Making others uncomfortable by ignoring social, emotional, or physical boundaries or limits
  • Refusing to let a child set any of his or her own limits; using teasing or belittling language to keep a child from setting a limit
  • Insisting on hugging, touching, kissing, tickling, wrestling with, or holding a child even when child does not want physical contact or attention
  • Turning to a child for emotional or physical comfort by sharing personal or private information or activities that are normally shared with adults
  • Frequently pointing out sexual images or telling inappropriate or suggestive jokes with children present
  • Exposing child to adult sexual interactions without apparent concern
  • Having secret interactions with teens or children (e.g., games; sharing drugs, alcohol, or sexual material) or spending excessive time e-mailing, text-messaging, or calling children or youth
  • Being overly interested in the sexuality of a particular child or teen (e.g., talks repeatedly about the child’s developing body or interferes with normal teen dating)
  • Insisting on or managing to spend unusual amounts of uninterrupted time alone with a child
  • Seeming “too good to be true” (e.g., frequently babysits different children for free, takes children on special outings alone, buys children gifts or gives them money for no apparent reason)
  • Frequently walking in on children/teens in the bathroom
  • Allowing children or teens to consistently get away with inappropriate behaviors


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Signs of Sexual Abuse [Graphic]

  • Pain, bleeding or discharge in genitals, anus, or mouth
  • Vaginal infections
  • Cuts or tears around the vaginal area or the anus
  • Other physical trauma (redness, rash, swelling) to genital or anal area
  • Persistent or recurring pain during urination or bowel movements
  • Wetting or soiling accidents unrelated to toilet training
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Nightmares or other sleep problems without explanation
  • Seems distracted or distant at odd times
  • Sudden change in eating habits
  • Refuses to eat
  • Loses or drastically increases appetite
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Sudden mood swings: rage, fear, insecurity, or withdrawal
  • Leaves “clues” likely to provoke a discussion about sexual issues
  • Develops new or unusual fear of certain people or places
  • Refuses to talk about secret shared with adult or older child
  • Writes, draws, plays, or dreams of sexual or frightening images
  • Talks about a new older friend
  • Suddenly has money, toys, or other gifts without reason
  • Thinks of self or body as repulsive, dirty, or bad
  • Exhibits adult-like sexual behaviors, language, and knowledge
  • Self-injury (cutting, burning)
  • Inadequate personal hygiene
  • Drug and alcohol abuse
  • Sexual promiscuity
  • Running away from home
  • Depression, anxiety
  • Suicide attempts
  • Fear of intimacy or closeness
  • Compulsive eating or dieting
  • More indicators here


PTSD: Pummeling Negative Thought Patterns


Imagine you are a beautiful young child, a zebra. You are a happy youth. You have many fun friends, you enjoy learning at school, you have funny siblings, you get to play outside everyday, and you eat well.

You live at home with your parents in a comfortable area amidst the warm brush. Your dwelling is wide open in the beautiful grassland; you enjoy a lounging place, your room area, and so on.

Then suddenly you see the most fierce lion across the grassland looking right at you. You are beyond terrified for your life. You look around for your mother and father, and quickly find them nearby. Relief showers you.

Your mother assures you never to fear, the lion is simply your relative, of another blood line of course. The lion only appears scary in your mind because you are but a small zebra. She reassures you over and over. Although a little unsure, you trust her judgment. Surely she would let no harm near you. So you go on about your oblivious joys in life, just a tad unsettled, sometimes checking to ensure your distance from the lion.

One day, you catch the lion approaching and you are caught off guard, more fearful than the first sight of him. You run to your mother again and she holds you. She tells you, never fear, the lion will do no harm. The lion will do no harm. The fear is all in your mind. You insist that the beast is after you but your cries fall at an invisible wall.

It becomes more difficult for you to enjoy the freedom of life but you manage. You learn how to play and watch your back at the same time. You start feel apprehensive traveling back home after a day of play knowing you will likely see the lion edging closer to your comfort zone.

You now live with a constant, but subtle uneasiness. You are forced to repeat your mother’s reassuring words in your mind from sun up to sun down just to maintain a certain childlike sanity.

One morning, you suddenly awake and find the ferocious lion standing over you. You want to scream but are too afraid to start a commotion. All you can do is hold your breath until the lion leaves you. At first opportunity you tell your mother, and after so many words from her you realize she does not understand. You realize that she is on the lion’s side and it is up to you to keep safe.

Everyday you see the lion’s hungry face and it is the last thing you see every night before you close your eyes. Day in and day out, week in, week out, a month passes, and another, and another. The lion is there gaining closer and closer, inch by inch. Now a year has lapsed, and another, and another, until you have lost count of time altogether.

The lion appears to be the same, always ready to pounce on its prey, you. Although so close, the lion waits for the right moment an so do you. You have been forced to fight your fear of the lion that all your focus, energy, and memories are of the lion. How do I fight back? How can I overtake the lion? I am but a baby zebra. How do I escape?

Every waking hour, minute, second of your life is focused on the lion hovering over you. Your only hope is to dream a good dream when you’re not worried about the lion consuming you in your slumber. Before you know it, all your fun friends, favorite hobbies, loving family, even reassuring mother have become a fused fog in your sight. You have almost forgotten how it feels to play, or jump, or eat, or sleep, or learn. All you know of is Fear, how it smells, how it tastes, how it looks, how it feels, how it sounds.

All day, for years, your mind has been an ocean of fearful thoughts, despairing escape plans, perpetual sadness, dead-end solutions, muscle-tightening angst, black hole loneliness, panic ridden suspicions, just to skim the surface.

Suddenly your environment changes.

You are no longer a child. Your mother is gone. Your friends have moved on. You even live somewhere else. And even the lion himself is gone. But somehow [you] remain.

Those around you are confused and asking why are you so down? What is there to fear? There is no one here. Who is there to be afraid of? Whatever it was is gone, they say. Where is your joy? Don’t you know how to rejoice? Where is your desire? Why are you so angry? Why can’t you speak up?

The past five years were one long day in your mind that you never got a good night sleep from. You never got to sleep. You have been terribly harassed by unending evils with not a moment of carefree breath, not even for one minute, and suddenly those around you are expecting you be happy and well-mannered.

You have been regretfully suiting up for a horrific bloody battle, expecting you would be the casualty, for thousands of days in a row, and others who care for you cannot understand why today is any different?

All those constant thoughts and fears don’t stop flooding your mind just because the scenery changed.

This is PTSD.

Defining Child Abuse and Neglect

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Advice and resources for helping parents to keep their children safe.

The Underwear Rule
Being out on their own
Independence for older children
Being home alone
Taking part in sports
Taking part in clubs and organised activities



The Seven Campaign is a global awareness campaign to advocate for an end to the abuse of children around the world. The Seven Campaign seeks to mobilize people around the world to join a global grassroots movement to help children in their own communities.


The Seven Campaign is calling you to take the most important stand to raise awareness about the pandemic of child abuse. Thecampaign partners have prepared free resources for you to use and share within your community.